Friday, May 20, 2011

Waiting to Explode....

      Ok, we exploded.  Have you ever know a difficult situation was going to happen and just had to wait with anticipation until it did?  That has been the girls at camp since we started, until this week.   Most of the happy masks that the girls have been putting on have changed into some of hurt, sadness, manipulation, and testing those around them. We have four campers (whoo hoo) and we are just now getting to the tip of their problems.  Your heart would break as you hear what these girls have been through and how much baggage they each come with.  All four girls are all around the age of fourteen.  It amazes me to hear their stories and everything someone that age can have already endured.  Their pain can break your heart, but it can also show the great need that they have to be at camp.  This week has been a time of getting serious with these girls and hopefully showing them how to work out of the problems that are holding them down.  It hasn't been an easy week but it is a start in the right direction for helping these girls find who they are in Christ, not who the world has told them they are.
      As a family we thank you again for your prayers and encouragement.  We definitely feel like we are missionaries in the sense that God has called us to do something difficult and doesn't fit the 9-5 job.  As we get ready to welcome our little man, Isaac, into the world, your prayers are even more coveted as girls camp continues to grow and become more of a challenge.  Thankfully, we know HE is in control! 

For His Glory,
Adrian, Amanda, Ada, and Isaac

Prayer Request
   Beavers have been busy at work.This tree
  ended up falling on the bridge Adrian built. :0(
*We fill up the spots in the group (6 more to go)
*Developing relationships with the
*Safety and team spirit of the staff
*Chief (counselor) position to be filled
*Chiefs that our with the girls now 
*Healing and restoration of the girls
and their families
*That our family will bring glory to God
*Our family learns to balance camp and home life
Chief Katie's AMAZING catch!

The first tent that the group built together.  It is called the wash up
tent.  It is where they wash up and brush their teeth!

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